How should HEALTHY DIET be eaten to be healthy?
At present, there are still irrational phenomena in the dietary structure of the population, for example, the consumption of beans and milk is still low, and the fat intake is excessive. The problem of malnutrition in some areas, overweight and obesity, and the threat of chronic diseases related to dietary nutrition are becoming increasingly serious.
I. Diversified food, cereal-based
A balanced diet can maximize the normal growth and development and physiological activities of the human body, and reduce the risk of various diseases, including hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. The daily diet should include cereals and potatoes, vegetables and fruits, livestock, poultry, fish, eggs and milk, soybeans and nuts. On average, you should consume more than 12 kinds of foods per day and more than 25 kinds per week. Cereal-based means that cereals and potatoes provide more than half of the total dietary energy. It is recommended that adults consume 250-400g of cereals and potatoes per day, including 50-150g of whole grains and legumes, and 50-100g of potatoes. cereal consumption is declining year by year, and the intake of animal foods and fats is increasing, leading to excess energy intake; excessive processing of cereals leads to the loss of B vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber and causes insufficient intake.
Second, eat and move in balance, healthy weight
People of all ages should exercise every day to maintain a healthy weight. Do not eat too much, control the total energy intake and maintain energy balance. Adhere to daily physical activity, at least 5 days a week for moderate intensity physical activity, a total of 150 minutes or more; active physical activity is best to walk 6000 steps a day. Reduce sedentary time, get up every hour and move. (6,000 steps is active exercise, not including daily activities consumption, such as housework, mopping, etc. are not included in this. Weight loss needs of the crowd activity in more than 40 minutes.)
Third, eat more fruits and vegetables, dairy, soy
Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a balanced diet, dairy is rich in calcium, and soybeans are rich in high-quality protein. Meals with vegetables, to ensure daily intake of 300-500 grams of vegetables, dark vegetables should account for half. Eat fruits every day to ensure the daily intake of 200-350 grams of fresh fruits, fruit juice should not replace fresh fruits. Eat a variety of dairy products, equivalent to 300 grams of liquid milk per day. Eat soy products often and eat nuts in moderation.
Fourth, eat fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat in moderation
Fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat in moderation.
Eat 280 to 525 grams of fish, 280 to 525 grams of livestock and poultry meat, 280 to 350 grams of eggs per week, with an average daily intake of 120-200 grams in total. Give preference to fish and poultry. Eat eggs without abandoning the yolk. Eat less fatty meat, smoked and cured meat products .
Five, less salt and oil, control sugar and limit alcohol
Develop a light diet, eat less salt and fried food, no more than 6 grams of salt per day for adults, and 25-30 grams of cooking oil per day.
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